Allied Health
Relapsing remitting MS
Dietary intake, physical activity levels and sleep vary between individuals, but how do these factors influence the central nervous system, and does this differ between people with and without multiple sclerosis? This study will aim to address these questions via collecting dietary intake, physical activity and sleep data, and using non-invasive brain stimulation during cycling exercise.
A greater understanding on how fundamental lifestyle factors influence neuroplasticity within the central nervous system may aid in the development of therapies to improve clinical symptoms for people with multiple sclerosis.
• ≥ 18 years of age
• Diagnosis of clinically defined relapsing remitting MS (RRMS)
• Expanded disability status scale (EDSS) score ranging from 1 – 5.5, such that
motor tasks using the hands/legs can be performed
• History of epilepsy or seizures
• History of alcohol and substance abuse or psychiatric illness
• History of learning difficulties
• Cardiac pacemaker
• Metal implants in the skull
• Pregnancy
• Recent concussive event (less than 1 month prior)
• History of brain injury unrelated to sports participation
• Orthopaedic limitations that do not permit performance of exercise
• Participants with current or history of significant cardiovascular disease,
identified by health questionnaire
• Participants currently taking medication, which may alter cardiac rhythm
• Visual deficits
Madison Boda
South Australia
This study has been approved by the University of Adelaide Human Research Ethics Committee (Reference: H-2022-223). Any concerns participants may have with how the study is undertaken can be reported to this committee or to the primary supervisor with contact details to be provided on consent forms.
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