Non-interventional study
People without MS, Primary progressive MS, Relapsing MS, Relapsing remitting MS, Secondary progressive MS
People with MS commonly report having poor sleep. Not much is known about how fatigue, sleeping issues like insomnia, and mental health issues like depression or anxiety are related to sleep in people with MS. These are common symptoms in MS but are poorly understood in research and clinical practice. This research represents an important opportunity to increase awareness and clinical understanding of these symptoms in MS.
Participants will wear a specialized headband and wristwatch while sleeping at home for up to 7 consecutive days and complete a brief sleep diary every morning. Participants will also complete a 30- to 60-minute online survey involving a range of multiple-choice questions about personal experiences and psychological and physical health.
Participants will be able to access their own sleep data collected by the sleep headband for each night. They will also receive a $100 gift voucher upon completion of all data (including wearing sleep devices for up to 7 days, completing up to 7 brief online sleep diaries, and one initial online survey). Any data collected will remain confidential. This project has human research ethics approval from The University of Melbourne (Project Number 25665).
We are looking to recruit individuals:
All participants must be able to attend the University of Melbourne Parkville Campus to collect the sleep measurement devices and attend an orientation session. Participants must also be able to return the devices to the same location after a few days. Please contact the primary researcher for alternative arrangements.
To participate, or for further description of the study:
• Copy this link into a computer web browser:
• Or contact the student researcher Noah Duldig. E:
For further information, please contact the principal researcher A/Prof Litza Kiropoulos. E: Ph: (03) 9035 4063
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