ACT-Sydney Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cohort study

type of intervention


recruitment status




type of ms

All forms of MS, Clinically isolated syndrome, People without MS

Brief Summary

As part of the Our Health in Our Hands (OHIOH) project, researchers at the Australian National University and Sydney Adventist Hospital are working together to improve the clinical management and overall health and wellbeing of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS).

In this study we are recruiting people with MS as well as people who do not have MS. We aim to have a similar distribution of age and sex across the two groups and collect new data each year to see changes over time. By collecting data over time in people with MS and people without MS, we will be able to compare the two groups to answer questions about health and wellbeing, and the influence of MS on how this changes over time. We also aim to identify blood biomarkers which may help monitor or predict disease activity and responses to treatment.

Once per year you will invited to:

  1. Complete online questionnaires that may ask about background, medical history, psychological health and wellbeing, and lifestyle (including diet) (approx. 1-2hrs).
  2. Attend an in-person appointment (approx. 1 hour) to:
    • measure blood pressure, height, and weight;
    • provide a blood sample; and
    • for people living with MS, complete a short interview about functioning (e.g. rating muscle weakness, walking ability, balance).
Inclusion Criteria
  1. You need to be 18 years old or over, living in the ACT region or in Sydney.
  2. have a confirmed diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or of a Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS, i.e. a single episode of symptoms suggestive of CNS demyelination that could, possibly, develop into MS in the future). Participants can have any type of MS including Primary Progressive MS (PPMS), Relapsing Remitting MS (RRMS), Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS) or Progressive Relapsing MS (PRMS).


3. 18 years or older without a diagnosis of MS or any known signs or symptoms of MS

Anticipated Start Date

Already started

Recruitment Contacts

Sydney: | Ph: 0467 050 532
ACT: | Ph; 02 6125 5630 or 02 6125 8699

Further Details
MS Cohort Study_Flyer version10.1


Sydney & ACT



Last Updated


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