Developing ‘Nutrition and MS’ educational tool for healthcare professionals: Gathering healthcare professionals and people living with MS perspectives through separate co-design workshops
What is a co-design workshop? A collaborative session where your insights and ideas will help us design an educational tool on nutrition and MS for healthcare professionals. This is going to be a separate workshop for healthcare professionals and people living with MS. Why participate? Your experience and insights are invaluable. Together, we […]
Carers’ experiences of providing care and support for a person living with a long-term health condition
Exploring the perspectives of people with MS towards the integration of nutrition education within routine healthcare consultations
Healthcare professionals and the need to integrate nutrition care into routine MS Care.
Australian Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy insights on implementing beach-based therapeutic interventions for people with disability
This survey aims to: (i) Identify the benefits, barriers, and facilitators of beach access for people with disability. (ii) Explore how the beach could be used as a setting for therapeutic interventions.